
Oystercatcher (Haematopus ostralegus)


Oystercatchers are resident all year round in the UK. They breed on almost all UK coasts. During the last 50 years, more birds have started breeding inland. Most UK birds spend the winter on the coast where they are joined on the east coast by birds from Norway.

Habitat and Behaviour

Oystercatchers feed mainly on mussels, limpets and other molluscs. They hammer the shells on rocks to break them open, or cut the muscle that holds the two halves of the shell together and then stab the soft creature inside to eat it.

When breeding, Oystercatchers prefer quiet shores away from disturbance. A pair of oystercatchers scrapes out a simple nest at the top of a beach, or on the bank of a river or lake, and lines it with tiny shells or pebbles. During April or May the female lays about three eggs and both parents help to keep them warm until they hatch.

When the chicks hatch they are really well camouflaged and are difficult to spot on a shingle beach. Both parents feed the chicks and protect them from predators until they can look after themselves. If a predator approaches, both male and female make a lot of noise to distract the predator and guide it away from the nest.

The Oystercatcher is a large, stocky, black and white wading bird. It has a long, orange-red bill and reddish-pink legs. In flight it shows a wide, white wing-stripe, a black tail and a white rump that extends as a 'V' between the wings.


Length: 40-45cm
Wingspan: 80-86cm
Weight: 430-650g


UK breeding: 110,000 pairs
UK wintering: 340,000 birds

Lindisfarne NNR is an important area for breeding and wintering Oystercatcher in the North-East, with pairs utilising the undisturbed bird refuge zones, created by the Lindisfarne Shorebird Protection Scheme, to breed, feed and roost. In the winter the breeding population is joined by migrant birds from Northern Europe, fleeing the harsh continental winters and feed in the rich intertidal areas of Lindisfarne National Nature Reserve.

How can you help?

Read at all signage when entering the Reserve and adhere to any seasonal restrictions in place.
If walking on the Reserve, look for dog zonation signs.
Walk along the wet sand below the tide line to avoid breeding areas during late March–early August.
Give feeding and roosting birds plenty of space.
Take all litter away with you – anything left behind can cause death and injury to shorebirds and marine wildlife.

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